Canature Taurus P3F double sided insert


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With the Taurus P3 –F you have the option of purchasing with or without a log holder. This fireplace would be ideally placed between 2 adjoining rooms or in the centre of a large entertainment area. It features 2 large viewing windows, giving you a great view of the fire.

With all the latest clean burn technology, a Canature Wood Stove will enhance your lifestyle in an Eco-Friendly way, burning a renewable energy source. Convection heating and secondary combustion reignites the products of combustion to ensure a clean burn. The air wash system on the glass keeps glass soot free. Features a top or rear flue exit and a vermiculite firebrick lining. 2 x 'Optional extra' frames can be added.

Canature uses Canadian design and technological features and is manufactured in China. This brand offers a full range of quality wood stoves to suit all environments. Canature offers a 3-year warranty on the firebox and stove body and a 1 Year limited warranty on the fireplace.

Dimensions (depth x width x height) 51 × 82 × 51 cm
Output kW


Output range

Heating Area

Heating Area range

Energy Source

Flue Width

150 mm

Flue Configuration


Multiple glass configuration




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