Plamen – Trenk


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The Trenk is a wood-burning, cast-iron fireplace with a unique, narrow, rectangular shape and a deep combustion chamber. The Trenk’s unique design makes an eye-catching addition to any modern or traditional interior and is suited to heat a small to medium sized room.

It is forged from a thick mould of high-quality, cast iron for added strength and durability. It heats efficiently through radiation off the stove body, even long after the last log of wood has been added. A thick baffle plate results in less heat being lost up the flue.

It comes with Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Combustion Technology. Some of the Secondary Air feeds a specialised, air-wash glass cleaning system that keeps the heat-resistant glass window cleaner for longer. The air to the combustion chamber is easily controlled with 1-air control dial which can be turned to open and close the feed of air into back of combustion chamber. Tertiary burn results in far less harmful emissions being released, and higher efficiency with better fuel usage. The Trenk comfortably loads 33cm logs and has a nominal fuel usage of 2.5-3kg of wood per hour. There is a removable, slide-out ashpan for an easy clean. This fireplace comes with an A+ energy class rating.

It comes standard with a heat protective glove and wood stoker.

The Trenk is CE certified and has been tested according to EN regulations. It comes with a 2-year limited warranty, and is imported from the Republic of Požega, Croatia.

Weight 81 kg
Dimensions (depth x width x height) 65 × 35 × 75 cm
Output kW

9 – 11

Heating Area

Energy Source

Flue Width

120 mm

Flue Configuration






SKU: PLA0000001-1 Categories: ,